Simply simple things look so complicated sometimes…
And sometimes we make them look so…
Many a times we come across few things which are though simple look so compl
icated.. It is because we don’t see things as it’s actual existence is.. But we always try and see it in different ways.. Again if why is ur question, here’s the answer…Because we, in the current world are very used to competitive complicated questions.. Our brains are so much used to it that we see simple things also in a complicated way.. Whenever we see simple questions or challenges infront of us, our brain immediately says- “No no no.. It can’t be so simple.. There should be some twist in this… A hidden complication may be..” There we go again seeing the challenge in multi-dimensional way.. That’s when we make simple things complicated..

I’ll give u a very simple example.. In our day to day life we come across this question very often though, we wouldn’t have realized it… We are so used to complications… Whenever someone asks – “What r u doing?”.. Immediately what’ll our mind answer!!!! Our mind goes to the extent of connecting our present work to the beneficiary future related plans.. we make the question which expects an answer of ur present action, so complicated..
My dear friends, we have lot of real complications to face already.. So let’s not spoil our time and life by making simple things also complicated… Let’s keep simple things simple to make our life better…
ya thats true sometimes we take everything as complicated. Thank you so much for this article this realy made my complicated life simple:)